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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
35. Construction Supplies [CMS]
36. Total Capital Goods [TCG]
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370 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Value of Shipments |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | vsp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : TCG Total Capital Goods | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 120.33 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code TCG 36 Column (2) : NAICS code : TCG Total Capital Goods | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 116.99 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code TCG 184
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | End of  Quarter       | End of  Quarter       |
        | NAICS code : TCG      | NAICS code : TCG      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                   79997                   73216       4.95 %     -0.14 %     -0.57 % 
2010.1                   81476                   73321       4.36        0.19        0.76   
2009.4                   80897                   73183      -3.85        1.77        7.27   
2009.3                   77296                   71911     -11.16        3.08       12.89   
2009.2                   76704                   69764     -15.04       -0.70       -2.78   
2009.1                   77999                   70258     -12.30       -7.69      -27.40   
2008.4                   83686                   76113      -5.64       -5.96      -21.80   
2008.3                   87002                   80940      -0.13       -1.43       -5.59   
2008.2                   90010                   82112       4.22        2.49       10.35   
2008.1                   88109                   80115       4.20       -0.68       -2.69   
2007.4                   87731                   80663       6.23       -0.48       -1.89   
2007.3                   86234                   81049       8.44        2.87       11.97   
2007.2                   87455                   78790       6.84        2.48       10.28   
2007.1                   86111                   76886       4.64        1.26        5.12   
2006.4                   82646                   75932       1.82        1.59        6.51   
2006.3                   80485                   74744       9.90        1.36        5.54   
2006.2                   82314                   73743       8.27        0.36        1.44   
2006.1                   82984                   73480      10.83       -1.46       -5.73   
2005.4                   83155                   74572      14.53        9.64       44.52   
2005.3                   74000                   68013       7.04       -0.14       -0.56   
2005.2                   75938                   68109       9.63        2.73       11.39   
2005.1                   74271                   66297       6.24        1.82        7.50   
2004.4                   72163                   65109       6.61        2.47       10.24   
2004.3                   69071                   63542       3.62        2.28        9.44   
2004.2                   69142                   62125       2.51       -0.45       -1.77   
2004.1                   70343                   62403       4.02        2.18        9.02   
2003.4                   68173                   61070       3.62       -0.41       -1.65   
2003.3                   67159                   61324      -0.30        1.19        4.83   
2003.2                   67438                   60605      -1.24        1.03        4.16   
2003.1                   66927                   59990      -3.34        1.79        7.34   
2002.4                   65157                   58937      -7.82       -4.18      -15.69   
2002.3                   66998                   61507      -3.40        0.23        0.94   
2002.2                   68166                   61363     -10.27       -1.12       -4.42   
2002.1                   69459                   62061     -12.34       -2.94      -11.24   
2001.4                   72287                   63938     -13.15        0.41        1.66   
2001.3                   69930                   63675     -14.55       -6.89      -24.83   
2001.2                   77614                   68384      -7.08       -3.40      -12.94   
2001.1                   80778                   70794       0.82       -3.83      -14.48   
2000.4                   83420                   73617       5.40       -1.21       -4.75   
2000.3                   83298                   74519       6.90        1.25        5.10   
2000.2                   84503                   73598       5.70        4.81       20.68   
2000.1                   80217                   70219       2.40        0.53        2.15   
1999.4                   79290                   69846       0.53        0.20        0.80   
1999.3                   77911                   69707       0.59        0.11        0.43   
1999.2                   79604                   69632       0.76        1.54        6.30   
1999.1                   78434                   68576      -0.48       -1.30       -5.08   
1998.4                   78777                   69476       2.05        0.26        1.05   
1998.3                   77262                   69295       3.97        0.27        1.09   
1998.2                   79424                   69107       4.40        0.29        1.15   
1998.1                   78215                   68910       8.77        1.22        4.97   
1997.4                   76983                   68079       9.18        2.15        8.87   
1997.3                   74584                   66648      11.11        0.68        2.77   
1997.2                   75238                   66195      11.47        4.49       19.19   
1997.1                   71103                   63353       8.79        1.60        6.56   
1996.4                   69714                   62354       5.78        3.95       16.76   
1996.3                   66029                   59985       6.20        1.01        4.10   
1996.2                   66425                   59386       6.68        1.98        8.14   
1996.1                   65014                   58235       9.13       -1.21       -4.76   
1995.4                   65281                   58949       9.23        4.37       18.65   
1995.3                   62159                   56482       8.68        1.47        6.00   
1995.2                   63071                   55665       9.23        4.32       18.42   
1995.1                   60255                   53361       7.95       -1.12       -4.41   
1994.4                   60339                   53966       6.85        3.83       16.24   
1994.3                   57211                   51973       7.75        1.99        8.18   
1994.2                   57080                   50961       5.98        3.10       12.98   
1994.1                   55140                   49430       3.52       -2.13       -8.24   
1993.4                   56445                   50504       2.84        4.71       20.21   
1993.3                   52752                   48233       0.83        0.30        1.22   
1993.2                   53588                   48087       0.70        0.71        2.86   
1993.1                   53204                   47749       2.13       -2.77      -10.62   
1992.4                   55011                   49108      13.02        2.66       11.07   
1992.3                   52072                   47836       3.48        0.18        0.71   
1992.2                   53336                   47752       5.37        2.14        8.82   
1992.1                   51679                   46753       5.88        7.60       34.03   
1991.4                   52983                   43452      -6.01       -6.01      -21.94   
1991.3                   52056                   46228       0.31        2.01        8.28   
1991.2                   53162                   45318      -1.80        2.63       10.92   
1991.1                   50214                   44159      -3.92       -4.48      -16.75   
1990.4                   56776                   46229       3.09        0.31        1.27   
1990.3                   52082                   46084       2.90       -0.14       -0.57   
1990.2                   53772                   46150       4.00        0.42        1.68   
1990.1                   51923                   45958       5.47        2.49       10.33   
1989.4                   54798                   44842       2.51        0.13        0.50   
1989.3                   50506                   44786       2.59        0.93        3.75   
1989.2                   51442                   44375       4.14        1.84        7.56   
1989.1                   49196                   43574       2.41       -0.39       -1.53   
1988.4                   53223                   43742       6.74        0.20        0.81   
1988.3                   49132                   43654       6.97        2.45       10.16   
1988.2                   49028                   42611       8.58        0.15        0.61   
1988.1                   47805                   42546       8.85        3.83       16.20   
1987.4                   49453                   40979       4.56        0.41        1.65   
1987.3                   45610                   40811       7.95        3.99       16.95   
1987.2                   44805                   39245       1.37        0.40        1.61   
1987.1                   43782                   39088       3.65       -0.26       -1.03   
1986.4                   47164                   39190       1.16        3.66       15.47   
1986.3                   41982                   37806       0.67       -2.35       -9.07   
1986.2                   44048                   38715       2.79        2.66       11.08   
1986.1                   42347                   37711      -0.15       -2.65      -10.20   
1985.4                   45946                   38739       4.67        3.16       13.23   
1985.3                   41398                   37554       4.79       -0.29       -1.15   
1985.2                   42709                   37663       7.10       -0.28       -1.11   
1985.1                   42398                   37768      13.12        2.05        8.45   
1984.4                   43313                   37010      12.23        3.27       13.73   
1984.3                   39243                   35839      14.26        1.92        7.89   
1984.2                   39532                   35165      12.26        5.33       23.07   
1984.1                   37358                   33387      11.57        1.24        5.06   
1983.4                   37914                   32977      13.52        5.14       22.20   
1983.3                   34090                   31365       4.32        0.13        0.52   
1983.2                   35051                   31324       2.09        4.68       20.06   
1983.1                   33448                   29925      -5.33        3.01       12.59   
1982.4                   33024                   29051      -6.46       -3.37      -12.83   
1982.3                   32520                   30065      -4.37       -2.01       -7.81   
1982.2                   34206                   30683      -1.95       -2.93      -11.22   
1982.1                   35178                   31610       3.24        1.78        7.30   
1981.4                   34566                   31057       8.55       -1.22       -4.78   
1981.3                   33819                   31440       8.85        0.47        1.90   
1981.2                   34833                   31293      14.14        2.20        9.10   
1981.1                   34014                   30619      11.48        7.02       31.18   
1980.4                   31335                   28610      10.24       -0.95       -3.75   
1980.3                   30982                   28885      15.36        5.36       23.23   
1980.2                   30440                   27415      13.11       -0.18       -0.71   
1980.1                   30461                   27465      12.47        5.83       25.44   
1979.4                   28262                   25952      14.78        3.65       15.42   
1979.3                   26719                   25038      13.26        3.30       13.88   
1979.2                   26835                   24238      14.07       -0.74       -2.94   
1979.1                   27101                   24419      22.99        8.00       36.05   
1978.4                   24308                   22610      17.23        2.28        9.44   
1978.3                   23573                   22106      18.85        4.04       17.17   
1978.2                   23501                   21247      19.34        7.01       31.14   
1978.1                   22023                   19855      13.01        2.94       12.30   
1977.4                   20197                   19288      11.34        3.70       15.64   
1977.3                   19552                   18600      16.26        4.47       19.11   
1977.2                   19726                   17804      14.40        1.34        5.46   
1977.1                   19225                   17569      15.79        1.42        5.79   
1976.4                   18234                   17323      19.45        8.28       37.45   
1976.3                   16846                   15999      11.61        2.80       11.66   
1976.2                   17273                   15564       7.06        2.58       10.71   
1976.1                   16599                   15173       3.76        4.62       19.81   
1975.4                   15148                   14503      -1.22        1.17        4.75   
1975.3                   15093                   14335      -2.05       -1.39       -5.45   
1975.2                   16145                   14538       2.31       -0.58       -2.32   
1975.1                   15941                   14623       9.55       -0.40       -1.58   
1974.4                   15391                   14682      12.17        0.31        1.25   
1974.3                   15438                   14636      15.62        3.00       12.54   
1974.2                   15816                   14210      18.03        6.46       28.45   
1974.1                   14561                   13348      17.59        1.98        8.18   
1973.4                   13723                   13088      19.49        3.39       14.27   
1973.3                   13347                   12659      20.91        5.14       22.20   
1973.2                   13421                   12040      16.84        6.07       26.59   
1973.1                   12359                   11351      10.58        3.63       15.34   
1972.4                   11482                   10953       8.91        4.62       19.78   
1972.3                   11058                   10470      10.13        1.60        6.56   
1972.2                   11507                   10305       1.54        0.39        1.56   
1972.1                   11160                   10265       5.76        2.07        8.54   
1971.4                   10639                   10057       3.70        5.78       25.22   
1971.3                    9984                    9507      -2.45       -6.32      -22.98   
1971.2                   11276                   10148       2.98        4.56       19.51   
1971.1                   10533                    9706      -5.03        0.08        0.34   
1970.4                   10348                    9698      -7.74       -0.49       -1.95   
1970.3                   10224                    9746      -7.10       -1.10       -4.34   
1970.2                   10928                    9854      -3.22       -3.57      -13.54   
1970.1                   11074                   10220      -1.33       -2.77      -10.63   
1969.4                   11269                   10511       7.14        0.19        0.76   
1969.3                   10941                   10491       8.78        3.03       12.70   
1969.2                   11258                   10182       7.58       -1.69       -6.61   
1969.1                   11193                   10358       4.99        5.58       24.27   
1968.4                   10618                    9810      -3.21        1.72        7.07   
1968.3                   10020                    9644       2.12        1.89        7.78   
1968.2                   10415                    9465       3.45       -4.06      -15.26   
1968.1                   10633                    9865      11.18       -2.67      -10.25   
1967.4                   10784                   10135      17.50        7.32       32.66   
1967.3                    9823                    9444      11.60        3.22       13.53   
1967.2                   10063                    9149      11.03        3.11       13.04   
1967.1                    9648                    8873      11.76        2.86       11.95   
1966.4                    9185                    8626      13.01        1.94        7.97   
1966.3                    8787                    8462      17.50        2.70       11.24   
1966.2                    9064                    8240      19.78        3.79       16.03   
1966.1                    8613                    7939      17.65        4.02       17.06   
1965.4                    8136                    7633      17.46        5.98       26.14   
1965.3                    7467                    7202      13.50        4.69       20.14   
1965.2                    7569                    6879       8.37        1.94        8.00   
1965.1                    7311                    6748       9.55        3.85       16.33   
1964.4                    6902                    6498       5.37        2.40        9.94   
1964.3                    6579                    6346       3.12       -0.04       -0.15   
1964.2                    7002                    6348       6.54        3.06       12.80   
1964.1                    6660                    6160       8.11       -0.11       -0.45   
1963.4                    6563                    6167       9.29        0.21        0.84   
1963.3                    6388                    6154       9.22        3.28       13.78   
1963.2                    6570                    5959       3.22        4.58       19.61   
1963.1                    6158                    5698      -2.21        0.97        3.96   
1962.4                    6007                    5643       0.98        0.15        0.58   
1962.3                    5862                    5634       4.06       -2.39       -9.23   
1962.2                    6380                    5773      11.18       -0.92       -3.64   
1962.1                    6292                    5826      14.22        4.27       18.21   
1961.4                    5960                    5588       8.08        3.20       13.42   
1961.3                    5641                    5415       7.80        4.28       18.26   
1961.2                    5735                    5192       2.02        1.79        7.35   
1961.1                    5497                    5101      -1.07       -1.34       -5.23   
1960.4                    5495                    5170      -0.65        2.94       12.27   
1960.3                    5245                    5023      -2.83       -1.31       -5.14   
1960.2                    5630                    5089       2.30       -1.29       -5.07   
1960.1                    5558                    5156      10.67       -0.92       -3.64   
1959.4                    5503                    5204      14.67        0.68        2.74   
1959.3                    5399                    5169      15.14        3.90       16.55   
1959.2                    5503                    4975      11.78        6.78       30.01   
1959.1                    5022                    4659       0.89        2.66       11.05   
1958.4                    4788                    4538                   1.09        4.45   
1958.3                    4687                    4489                   0.87        3.52   
1958.2                    4924                    4450                  -3.62      -13.72   
1958.1                    4971                    4618