| | Select Variable
GDP, constant prices
Natl currency |
| GDP, constant prices *
% chg
| GDP, current prices *
Natl currency |
| GDP, current prices *
U.S. $s |
| GDP, deflator
Index, 2000=100
| GDP per capita, constant pri
Natl currency
| GDP per capita, current pric
Natl currency
| GDP per capita, current pric
U.S. $s
| Output gap in percent of pot
% of potential GDP
| GDP based on PPP valuation o
Current intl $ |
| GDP based on PPP per capita
Current intl $
| GDP based on PPP share of wo
| Implied PPP conversion rate
Natl currency/$
| Total investment
% of GDP
| Gross national savings
% of GDP
| Inflation, average consumer
| Inflation, average consumer
% chg
| Inflation, end of period con
| Inflation, end of period con *
% chg
| Six-month London interbank o
| Volume of imports of goods a
% chg
| Volume of Imports of goods
% chg
| Volume of exports of goods a
% chg
| Volume of exports of goods
% chg
| Value of oil imports
U.S. $s |
| Value of oil exports
U.S. $s |
| Unemployment rate *
% of total labor force
| Employment
Index, 2000=100
| Population *
Persons |
| Govt revenue
Natl currency |
| Govt revenue
% of GDP
| Govt total expenditure
Natl currency |
| Govt total expenditure *
% of GDP
| Govt net lending/borrowing
Natl currency |
| Govt net lending/borrowing
% of GDP
| Govt structural balance
Natl currency |
| Govt structural balance
% of potential GDP
| Govt primary net lending/bor
Natl currency |
| Govt primary net lending/bor
% of GDP
| Govt net debt
Natl currency |
| Govt net debt
% of GDP
| Govt gross debt
Natl currency |
| Govt gross debt *
% of GDP
| GDP corresponding to fiscal
Natl currency |
| Current account balance
U.S. $s |
| Current account balance
% of GDP | | *_popular_variable.
Govt gross debt
Percent of GDP Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110).
(f) = observation is an IMF forecast
| cntry code | variable cd | country
| data for all years
| 1970
| 1971
| 1972
| 1973
| 1974
| 1975
| 1976
| 1977
| 1978
| 1979
| 1980
| 1981
| 1982
| 1983
| 1984
| 1985
| 1986
| 1987
| 1988
| 1989
| 1990
| 1991
| 1992
| 1993
| 1994
| 1995
| 1996
| 1997
| 1998
| 1999
| 2000
| 2001
| 2002
| 2003
| 2004
| 2005
| 2006
| 2007
| 2008
| 2009
| 2010
| 2011
| 2012
| 2013
| 2014
| 2015
| 2016
| 2017
| 2 | ALB | 914 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Albania Percent of GDP | 1997-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 84.60 | 75.71 | 72.67 | 69.63 | 65.86 | 65.46 | 60.71 | 57.72 | 58.23 | 56.68 | 53.85 | 55.10 | 59.76 | 58.28 | 58.92(f) | 61.70(f) | 62.92(f) | 63.64(f) | 64.63(f) | 65.77(f) | 66.93(f)
| 3 | DZA | 612 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Algeria Percent of GDP | 1991-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 77.83 | 62.93 | 74.03 | 98.38 | 116.20 | 98.15 | 69.86 | 72.86 | 82.02 | 62.81 | 58.26 | 54.68 | 44.54 | 36.84 | 27.21 | 26.81 | 13.50 | 8.058 | 10.42 | 11.07 | 9.925(f) | 8.874(f) | 8.571(f) | 8.245(f) | 7.870(f) | 7.446(f) | 6.990(f)
| 4 | AGO | 614 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Angola Percent of GDP | 2000-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 104.54 | 102.05 | 70.95 | 63.97 | 51.30 | 42.49 | 20.63 | 20.82 | 31.50 | 36.28 | 37.48(f) | 30.90(f) | 23.80(f) | 20.72(f) | 18.54(f) | 16.14(f) | 14.44(f) | 12.98(f)
| 5 | ATG | 311 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Antigua and Barbuda Percent of GDP | 1997-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 41.61 | 93.08 | 88.98 | 110.30 | 121.31 | 127.53 | 116.91 | 114.80 | 89.11 | 86.74 | 64.83 | 63.21 | 83.74 | 75.15 | 74.55(f) | 82.35(f) | 79.29(f) | 72.00(f) | 66.94(f) | 60.61(f) | 54.65(f)
| 6 | ARG | 213 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Argentina Percent of GDP | 1997-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 34.51 | 37.57 | 42.96 | 45.00 | 53.69 | 164.97 | 139.46 | 127.03 | 87.13 | 76.46 | 67.10 | 58.52 | 58.70 | 49.10 | 44.20(f) | 43.27(f) | 41.91(f) | 41.61(f) | 40.06(f) | 39.41(f) | 36.86(f)
| 7 | ARM | 911 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Armenia Percent of GDP | 1996-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 41.09 | 46.75 | 45.40 | 49.74 | 48.91 | 37.82 | 38.11 | 32.88 | 26.43 | 20.47 | 16.18 | 14.25 | 14.63 | 34.14 | 33.34 | 35.10 | 37.58(f) | 38.73(f) | 38.35(f) | 38.19(f) | 38.70(f) | 40.04(f)
| 8 | AUS | 193 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Australia Percent of GDP | 1989-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 17.07 | 16.42 | 21.60 | 27.67 | 30.66 | 31.74 | 31.14 | 29.30 | 25.93 | 23.76 | 22.54 | 19.53 | 17.14 | 15.08 | 13.23 | 11.97 | 10.92 | 10.01 | 9.709 | 11.78 | 16.87 | 20.41 | 22.86 | 24.02(f) | 23.26(f) | 22.07(f) | 19.65(f) | 17.02(f) | 14.91(f)
| 9 | AUT | 122 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Austria Percent of GDP | 1988-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 57.57 | 56.53 | 56.18 | 56.36 | 56.30 | 60.97 | 64.12 | 68.20 | 68.14 | 64.12 | 64.43 | 66.82 | 66.19 | 66.81 | 66.21 | 65.27 | 64.71 | 64.19 | 62.31 | 60.22 | 63.83 | 69.53 | 71.83 | 72.20 | 73.90(f) | 74.28(f) | 73.40(f) | 72.20(f) | 70.64(f) | 69.22(f)
| 10 | AZE | 912 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Azerbaijan Percent of GDP | 2000-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 22.84 | 24.39 | 23.02 | 21.83 | 20.17 | 13.33 | 10.24 | 8.608 | 7.297 | 12.14 | 11.40 | 10.23 | 11.24(f) | 10.82(f) | 10.27(f) | 10.06(f) | 9.981(f) | 9.536(f)
| 11 | BHS | 313 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
The Bahamas Percent of GDP | 1991-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 23.18 | 26.00 | 29.25 | 31.15 | 30.99 | 30.74 | 30.20 | 27.28 | 25.90 | 24.44 | 24.18 | 25.22 | 26.86 | 28.70 | 29.24 | 29.45 | 30.83 | 32.63 | 37.94 | 45.41 | 48.61(f) | 49.93(f) | 51.78(f) | 53.38(f) | 54.81(f) | 55.90(f) |
| 12 | BHR | 419 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Bahrain Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8.271 | 7.893 | 7.703 | 7.136 | 6.751 | 16.47 | 15.82 | 17.72 | 23.58 | 29.46 | 29.28 | 30.06 | 32.06 | 36.87 | 34.41 | 28.71 | 23.65 | 19.23 | 14.58 | 25.40 | 34.10 | 36.46(f) | 31.61(f) | 31.31(f) | 34.11(f) | 38.28(f) | 43.75(f) | 50.62(f)
| 14 | BRB | 316 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Barbados Percent of GDP | 1994-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 58.72 | 59.94 | 60.69 | 60.70 | 55.95 | 56.03 | 64.30 | 70.65 | 74.60 | 74.97 | 75.08 | 75.02 | 73.16 | 81.77 | 90.88 | 104.03 | 116.80 | 117.25(f) | 117.79(f) | 116.65(f) | 114.23(f) | 110.81(f) | 106.61(f) | 101.64(f)
| 15 | BLR | 913 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Belarus Percent of GDP | 2004-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9.715 | 8.391 | 13.40 | 18.35 | 21.73 | 34.87 | 41.01 | 50.24 | 37.27(f) | 33.25(f) | 28.69(f) | 26.59(f) | 25.58(f) | 24.60(f)
| 16 | BEL | 124 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Belgium Percent of GDP | 1980-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | 74.33 | 86.44 | 96.03 | 106.22 | 110.74 | 115.18 | 120.24 | 124.54 | 125.15 | 121.80 | 125.65 | 127.14 | 130.18 | 133.91 | 132.06 | 130.18 | 127.15 | 122.51 | 117.23 | 113.57 | 107.78 | 106.48 | 103.39 | 98.36 | 94.02 | 91.98 | 87.99 | 84.06 | 89.33 | 95.86 | 96.15 | 98.51 | 99.12(f) | 98.54(f) | 96.73(f) | 93.97(f) | 90.91(f) | 87.51(f)
| 17 | BLZ | 339 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Belize Percent of GDP | 2001-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 83.81 | 88.99 | 102.28 | 102.29 | 101.39 | 92.55 | 87.62 | 79.42 | 82.15 | 83.31 | 80.35(f) | 78.10(f) | 76.70(f) | 75.15(f) | 73.65(f) | 72.34(f) | 71.33(f)
| 18 | BEN | 638 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Benin Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 60.39 | 60.01 | 47.80 | 37.21 | 35.10 | 43.18 | 14.68 | 21.05 | 26.89 | 27.29 | 30.03 | 31.33(f) | 30.03(f) | 28.81(f) | 27.36(f) | 26.10(f) | 24.79(f) | 22.67(f)
| 19 | BTN | 514 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Bhutan Percent of GDP | 1993-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 62.37 | 55.10 | 40.14 | 38.17 | 34.16 | 37.71 | 40.64 | 45.61 | 54.24 | 60.14 | 73.30 | 80.65 | 84.86 | 84.87 | 74.56 | 66.16 | 67.71 | 70.59(f) | 82.00(f) | 99.18(f) | 108.76(f) | 112.64(f) | 116.46(f) | 111.06(f) |
| 20 | BOL | 218 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Bolivia Percent of GDP | 2000-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 66.89 | 59.96 | 69.14 | 74.07 | 89.57 | 80.38 | 55.23 | 40.95 | 37.86 | 40.48 | 39.06(f) | 32.88(f) | 31.50(f) | 30.32(f) | 29.19(f) | 28.10(f) | 26.84(f) | 25.32(f)
| 21 | BIH | 963 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Bosnia and Herzegovina Percent of GDP | 1998-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 54.40 | 56.04 | 35.88 | 34.84 | 31.92 | 28.09 | 25.28 | 25.28 | 21.78 | 32.88 | 31.17 | 36.09 | 39.59 | 40.63(f) | 43.36(f) | 42.17(f) | 40.62(f) | 38.91(f) | 37.30(f) | 35.39(f)
| 22 | BWA | 616 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Botswana Percent of GDP | 1998-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 10.14 | 8.809 | 7.990 | 8.088 | 6.924 | 10.74 | 9.673 | 6.982 | 5.356 | 7.118 | 6.361 | 16.06 | 17.78(f) | 17.26(f) | 16.16(f) | 14.43(f) | 12.51(f) | 10.78(f) | 9.300(f) | 8.057(f)
| 23 | BRA | 223 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Brazil Percent of GDP | 2000-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 66.65 | 70.24 | 79.80 | 74.78 | 70.76 | 69.17 | 66.68 | 65.19 | 63.54 | 66.92 | 65.15 | 66.18 | 65.10(f) | 63.12(f) | 61.45(f) | 59.88(f) | 57.71(f) | 56.75(f)
| 25 | BGR | 918 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Bulgaria Percent of GDP | 2000-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 75.29 | 68.58 | 54.82 | 46.48 | 39.07 | 29.43 | 23.41 | 18.56 | 15.46 | 15.58 | 16.70 | 17.04 | 21.33(f) | 17.62(f) | 16.42(f) | 13.03(f) | 11.48(f) | 11.69(f)
| 26 | BFA | 748 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Burkina Faso Percent of GDP | 2002-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 48.69 | 44.60 | 45.82 | 44.10 | 21.65 | 21.93 | 23.95 | 26.15 | 27.13 | 29.44(f) | 27.66(f) | 27.43(f) | 27.31(f) | 27.29(f) | 27.25(f) | 27.55(f)
| 27 | BDI | 618 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Burundi Percent of GDP | 2000-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 136.43 | 127.39 | 159.08 | 171.96 | 181.04 | 136.96 | 134.08 | 132.04 | 110.91 | 35.32 | 36.73(f) | 35.27(f) | 33.39(f) | 31.25(f) | 28.84(f) | 26.03(f) | 23.96(f) | 22.28(f)
| 28 | KHM | 522 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Cambodia Percent of GDP | 1996-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 30.32 | 32.02 | 37.46 | 34.79 | 35.36 | 34.93 | 39.80 | 43.16 | 41.67 | 36.04 | 32.67 | 30.63 | 27.46 | 28.92 | 29.06 | 28.60 | 28.58(f) | 28.24(f) | 28.52(f) | 28.00(f) | 27.28(f) | 26.37(f)
| 29 | CMR | 622 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Cameroon Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 101.04 | 89.34 | 64.30 | 60.27 | 61.62 | 51.55 | 15.86 | 11.96 | 9.546 | 10.64 | 12.14 | 12.87(f) | 18.56(f) | 20.10(f) | 21.55(f) | 22.22(f) | 22.41(f) | 22.12(f)
| 30 | CAN | 156 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Canada Percent of GDP | 1980-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | 45.63 | 46.93 | 52.67 | 58.40 | 61.67 | 66.87 | 71.00 | 71.45 | 71.08 | 72.25 | 75.19 | 82.34 | 90.23 | 96.32 | 97.96 | 101.60 | 101.72 | 96.32 | 95.17 | 91.37 | 82.13 | 82.66 | 80.55 | 76.56 | 72.60 | 71.61 | 70.26 | 66.52 | 71.08 | 83.59 | 85.06 | 84.95 | 84.68(f) | 81.96(f) | 80.42(f) | 78.77(f) | 76.25(f) | 73.57(f)
| 31 | CPV | 624 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Cape Verde Percent of GDP | 2002-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 90.31 | 89.10 | 92.65 | 95.74 | 86.78 | 73.90 | 67.91 | 68.84 | 74.28 | 77.58 | 82.06(f) | 85.92(f) | 87.77(f) | 87.02(f) | 85.12(f) | 82.77(f)
| 32 | CAF | 626 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Central African Republ Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 89.59 | 100.77 | 94.82 | 97.33 | 101.65 | 108.17 | 94.16 | 78.56 | 79.05 | 35.18 | 37.58 | 40.90(f) | 36.62(f) | 32.43(f) | 27.44(f) | 22.33(f) | 17.63(f) | 13.93(f)
| 33 | TCD | 628 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Chad Percent of GDP | 1999-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 67.22 | 74.78 | 63.68 | 56.93 | 46.40 | 34.20 | 33.60 | 29.61 | 26.00 | 23.60 | 30.46 | 32.58 | 32.15(f) | 28.72(f) | 27.87(f) | 26.15(f) | 25.02(f) | 25.26(f) | 23.76(f)
| 34 | CHL | 228 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Chile Percent of GDP | 1996-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14.57 | 12.76 | 12.03 | 13.32 | 13.07 | 14.39 | 15.10 | 12.63 | 10.29 | 6.996 | 4.996 | 3.893 | 4.923 | 5.814 | 8.648 | 9.914 | 10.05(f) | 9.791(f) | 8.725(f) | 7.601(f) | 7.084(f) | 6.634(f)
| 35 | CHN | 924 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
China Percent of GDP | 1984-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0.9710 | 3.305 | 3.241 | 3.599 | 4.461 | 6.497 | 6.948 | 7.428 | 4.981 | 6.713 | 6.137 | 6.137 | 6.787 | 6.553 | 11.40 | 13.81 | 16.45 | 17.71 | 18.94 | 19.25 | 18.54 | 17.64 | 16.19 | 19.59 | 16.96 | 17.67 | 33.54 | 25.84 | 22.03(f) | 19.38(f) | 17.09(f) | 14.84(f) | 12.56(f) | 10.13(f)
| 36 | COL | 233 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Colombia Percent of GDP | 1996-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 23.34 | 25.32 | 27.51 | 34.05 | 36.34 | 40.92 | 43.92 | 45.63 | 42.90 | 38.54 | 36.78 | 32.69 | 30.82 | 35.87 | 36.06(f) | 34.67(f) | 32.33(f) | 32.35(f) | 31.43(f) | 31.59(f) | 31.72(f) | 31.67(f)
| 37 | COM | 632 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Comoros Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 118.06 | 103.39 | 87.38 | 85.22 | 78.08 | 71.16 | 69.77 | 57.55 | 54.21 | | | | | | | | |
| 38 | COD | 636 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Democratic Republic of Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 237.28 | 220.35 | 214.15 | 180.42 | 196.00 | 147.93 | 148.99 | 126.13 | 133.07 | 136.35 | 31.03 | 31.99(f) | 36.55(f) | 36.26(f) | 37.83(f) | 36.72(f) | 35.01(f) | 32.73(f)
| 39 | COG | 634 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Republic of Congo Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 138.94 | 137.78 | 129.50 | 170.46 | 270.18 | 262.81 | 212.21 | 219.99 | 264.44 | 231.63 | 163.22 | 195.78 | 180.29 | 204.37 | 198.68 | 108.27 | 98.82 | 97.96 | 68.06 | 57.24 | 23.83 | 22.17(f) | 21.85(f) | 19.90(f) | 18.09(f) | 17.60(f) | 16.76(f) | 15.92(f)
| 40 | CRI | 238 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Costa Rica Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 36.58 | 38.61 | 40.79 | 40.00 | 41.04 | 37.47 | 33.31 | 27.55 | 24.78 | 27.23 | 29.21 | 30.76(f) | 32.39(f) | 33.16(f) | 34.13(f) | 35.28(f) | 36.44(f) | 37.55(f)
| 41 | CIV | 662 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Côte d'Ivoire Percent of GDP | 1997-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 121.06 | 106.64 | 110.59 | 109.46 | 96.79 | 93.58 | 90.44 | 84.90 | 86.28 | 84.24 | 75.64 | 75.28 | 66.48 | 66.43 | 90.53 | 62.59(f) | 62.28(f) | 61.57(f) | 58.04(f) | 54.28(f) | 51.02(f)
| 42 | HRV | 960 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Croatia Percent of GDP | 2002-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 34.77 | 35.43 | 37.64 | 38.15 | 35.40 | 32.88 | 29.17 | 35.12 | 41.25 | 45.57(f) | 52.75(f) | 55.71(f) | 58.32(f) | 60.37(f) | 61.92(f) | 63.07(f)
| 43 | CYP | 423 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Cyprus Percent of GDP | 1995-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 49.67 | 52.39 | 57.17 | 62.61 | 63.35 | 59.59 | 61.18 | 65.15 | 69.72 | 70.93 | 69.39 | 64.65 | 58.51 | 48.65 | 58.30 | 61.26 | 71.84(f) | 74.33(f) | 75.24(f) | 72.94(f) | 69.88(f) | 66.66(f) | 63.37(f)
| 44 | CZE | 935 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Czech Republic Percent of GDP | 1995-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 13.99 | 11.93 | 12.58 | 14.48 | 15.83 | 17.80 | 23.89 | 27.07 | 28.58 | 28.94 | 28.41 | 28.28 | 27.95 | 28.71 | 34.29 | 37.55 | 41.46(f) | 43.92(f) | 45.43(f) | 46.24(f) | 46.62(f) | 46.86(f) | 47.06(f)
| 45 | DNK | 128 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Denmark Percent of GDP | 1998-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 72.40 | 67.06 | 60.40 | 58.39 | 58.25 | 56.65 | 53.60 | 45.36 | 41.02 | 34.06 | 41.88 | 41.49 | 43.36 | 46.43(f) | 51.33(f) | 52.15(f) | 51.43(f) | 50.30(f) | 48.59(f) | 46.09(f)
| 46 | DJI | 611 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Djibouti Percent of GDP | 2003-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 66.08 | 67.85 | 62.01 | 56.82 | 63.64 | 60.17 | 59.78 | 56.14 | 55.46 | 52.82(f) | 53.51(f) | 52.97(f) | 52.28(f) | 51.56(f) | 49.21(f)
| 47 | DMA | 321 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Dominica Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 55.12 | 58.05 | 55.24 | 54.87 | 57.95 | 59.63 | 55.59 | 49.59 | 58.47 | 63.82 | 70.78 | 100.83 | 99.16 | 95.29 | 86.51 | 82.58 | 77.86 | 71.65 | 64.62 | 64.46 | 69.27 | 69.88(f) | 70.74(f) | 70.47(f) | 67.64(f) | 64.83(f) | 62.23(f) | 59.72(f)
| 48 | DOM | 243 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Dominican Republic Percent of GDP | 1997-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14.15 | 13.56 | 20.27 | 20.71 | 20.12 | 23.45 | 42.49 | 26.85 | 28.80 | 25.39 | 22.80 | 24.67 | 28.39 | 28.70 | 29.26(f) | 29.89(f) | 30.48(f) | 30.51(f) | 30.60(f) | 30.73(f) | 30.91(f)
| 49 | ECU | 248 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Ecuador Percent of GDP | 2001-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 65.72 | 54.09 | 47.80 | 40.47 | 35.22 | 28.46 | 26.69 | 21.15 | 15.67 | 16.11 | 17.98(f) | 18.30(f) | 18.12(f) | 18.59(f) | 19.66(f) | 21.05(f) | 22.38(f)
| 50 | EGY | 469 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Egypt Percent of GDP | 2002-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 90.44 | 102.29 | 101.45 | 103.29 | 90.35 | 80.19 | 70.20 | 73.03 | 73.17 | 76.45 | 79.22(f) | 77.56(f) | 74.62(f) | 70.43(f) | 65.65(f) | 60.38(f)
| 51 | SLV | 253 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
El Salvador Percent of GDP | 1992-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 44.33 | 34.73 | 32.60 | 28.18 | 28.69 | 27.41 | 24.50 | 25.37 | 26.52 | 32.39 | 37.08 | 39.00 | 39.41 | 38.55 | 39.10 | 38.03 | 39.25 | 48.21 | 50.14 | 50.79(f) | 50.04(f) | 49.29(f) | 48.38(f) | 47.14(f) | 45.80(f) | 44.52(f)
| 52 | GNQ | 642 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Equatorial Guinea Percent of GDP | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 147.69 | 223.27 | 263.27 | 261.87 | 260.51 | 185.59 | 153.99 | 142.73 | 156.04 | 188.89 | 158.57 | 171.15 | 138.23 | 154.10 | 218.13 | 138.24 | 92.09 | 46.72 | 59.82 | 61.08 | 34.40 | 24.17 | 20.81 | 10.41 | 6.164 | 2.986 | 1.627 | 1.083 | 0.6530 | 5.064 | 7.535 | 8.353(f) | 9.604(f) | 8.163(f) | 6.600(f) | 4.521(f) | 2.387(f) | 0.6970(f)
| 53 | ERI | 643 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Eritrea Percent of GDP | 2000-2008 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 159.38 | 173.54 | 177.08 | 192.03 | 140.77 | 156.22 | 151.64 | 156.66 | 174.92 | 145.70(f) | 144.76(f) | 133.82(f) | 125.84(f) | 123.74(f) | 123.02(f) | 126.15(f) | 126.07(f) | 136.23(f)
| 54 | EST | 939 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Estonia Percent of GDP | 1995-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8.957 | 7.386 | 6.156 | 5.471 | 5.986 | 5.123 | 4.784 | 5.729 | 5.616 | 5.025 | 4.572 | 4.411 | 3.685 | 4.523 | 7.163 | 6.688 | 6.043 | 5.694(f) | 5.373(f) | 5.073(f) | 4.789(f) | 4.514(f) | 4.256(f)
| 55 | ETH | 644 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Ethiopia Percent of GDP | 1992-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 88.87 | 142.46 | 156.82 | 148.14 | 134.21 | 80.59 | 89.51 | 98.10 | 97.45 | 99.50 | 115.79 | 115.33 | 105.70 | 78.98 | 66.83 | 38.25 | 32.97 | 32.19 | 36.71 | 37.26 | 31.22(f) | 27.96(f) | 26.83(f) | 25.85(f) | 24.49(f) | 23.15(f)
| 56 | FJI | 819 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Fiji Percent of GDP | 1992-2007 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 35.80 | 35.80 | 35.90 | 34.97 | 52.12 | 56.61 | 38.88 | 36.00 | 39.10 | 43.48 | 45.98 | 47.58 | 47.23 | 47.65 | 53.13 | 49.88 | 50.47(f) | 55.92(f) | 55.28(f) | 53.89(f) | 53.51(f) | 52.36(f) | 51.03(f) | 50.18(f) | 47.01(f) | 46.19(f)
| 57 | FIN | 172 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Finland Percent of GDP | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 10.82 | 11.48 | 13.76 | 15.31 | 15.12 | 15.80 | 16.42 | 17.62 | 16.51 | 14.28 | 13.84 | 21.90 | 39.36 | 54.23 | 56.53 | 55.52 | 55.72 | 52.85 | 47.62 | 45.66 | 43.79 | 42.46 | 41.47 | 44.51 | 44.39 | 41.70 | 39.63 | 35.16 | 33.94 | 43.47 | 48.39 | 48.56(f) | 51.57(f) | 52.85(f) | 52.97(f) | 53.77(f) | 54.21(f) | 54.31(f)
| 58 | FRA | 132 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
France Percent of GDP | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 20.72 | 22.00 | 25.34 | 26.71 | 29.07 | 30.62 | 31.08 | 33.29 | 33.25 | 34.01 | 35.21 | 36.01 | 39.74 | 46.26 | 49.38 | 55.51 | 58.02 | 59.40 | 59.53 | 58.90 | 57.35 | 56.91 | 59.00 | 63.15 | 65.14 | 66.74 | 63.90 | 64.20 | 68.27 | 78.99 | 82.39 | 86.26(f) | 89.02(f) | 90.75(f) | 90.64(f) | 89.61(f) | 87.52(f) | 84.59(f)
| 59 | GAB | 646 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Gabon Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 95.84 | 95.15 | 93.57 | 95.99 | 75.89 | 78.12 | 68.74 | 60.74 | 93.27 | 77.83 | 77.20 | 86.24 | 87.30 | 75.38 | 65.16 | 53.84 | 42.12 | 43.22 | 20.85 | 26.41 | 25.02 | 20.45(f) | 17.35(f) | 17.22(f) | 17.44(f) | 17.38(f) | 17.15(f) | 12.36(f)
| 60 | GMB | 648 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
The Gambia Percent of GDP | 2000-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 121.74 | 127.15 | 157.94 | 156.14 | 132.94 | 130.83 | 142.32 | 62.51 | 70.70 | 65.86 | 67.38 | 68.77 | 74.86(f) | 68.77(f) | 63.69(f) | 59.90(f) | 57.22(f) | 54.61(f)
| 61 | GEO | 915 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Georgia Percent of GDP | 2004-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 43.62 | 34.13 | 27.34 | 21.55 | 27.63 | 37.30 | 39.16 | 33.88(f) | 32.73(f) | 31.34(f) | 30.26(f) | 29.08(f) | 27.80(f) | 26.02(f)
| 62 | DEU | 134 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Germany Percent of GDP | 1991-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 39.54 | 42.02 | 45.77 | 47.97 | 55.60 | 58.47 | 59.75 | 60.49 | 61.26 | 60.18 | 59.14 | 60.75 | 64.43 | 66.20 | 68.51 | 67.92 | 65.20 | 66.70 | 74.42 | 83.21 | 81.51 | 78.87(f) | 77.45(f) | 75.84(f) | 74.39(f) | 72.74(f) | 71.09(f)
| 63 | GHA | 652 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Ghana Percent of GDP | 1990-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 31.98 | 27.70 | 33.47 | 55.81 | 86.47 | 95.15 | 78.42 | 75.34 | 66.44 | 86.69 | 123.35 | 101.50 | 86.66 | 82.81 | 57.43 | 48.16 | 26.22 | 31.04 | 33.59 | 36.22 | 46.07(f) | 43.39(f) | 42.09(f) | 40.54(f) | 40.77(f) | 40.82(f) | 39.49(f) | 40.32(f)
| 64 | GRC | 174 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Greece Percent of GDP | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 22.58 | 26.74 | 29.37 | 33.67 | 40.15 | 46.72 | 47.25 | 52.53 | 57.20 | 59.95 | 73.32 | 74.85 | 80.14 | 100.51 | 98.51 | 99.21 | 101.60 | 98.74 | 96.58 | 102.51 | 103.44 | 103.72 | 101.45 | 97.27 | 98.84 | 100.29 | 106.11 | 105.41 | 110.72 | 127.10 | 142.76 | 160.81(f) | 153.24(f) | 160.93(f) | 158.15(f) | 150.93(f) | 143.70(f) | 136.79(f)
| 65 | GRD | 328 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Grenada Percent of GDP | 1996-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 44.32 | 41.55 | 34.27 | 31.62 | 33.92 | 36.94 | 57.61 | 60.57 | 75.07 | 77.35 | 81.64 | 78.78 | 72.56 | 85.27 | 86.95 | 86.61 | 88.45(f) | 90.16(f) | 91.77(f) | 92.99(f) | 94.37(f) | 95.39(f)
| 66 | GTM | 258 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Guatemala Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 19.02 | 20.19 | 18.35 | 20.89 | 21.43 | 20.76 | 21.65 | 21.34 | 20.13 | 22.95 | 24.19 | 24.06(f) | 24.83(f) | 25.22(f) | 25.45(f) | 25.61(f) | 25.63(f) | 25.54(f)
| 67 | GIN | 656 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Guinea Percent of GDP | 1990-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 99.63 | 98.59 | 86.27 | 95.88 | 99.18 | 92.57 | 92.99 | 93.48 | 105.87 | 127.87 | 118.73 | 113.42 | 103.55 | 112.64 | 119.76 | 150.23 | 137.07 | 92.38 | 88.94 | 75.76 | 80.40 | 72.19 | 67.25(f) | 71.77(f) | 72.74(f) | 62.03(f) | 52.01(f) | 47.82(f)
| 68 | GNB | 654 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Guinea-Bissau Percent of GDP | 2000-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 234.15 | 219.32 | 225.54 | 217.61 | 224.13 | 227.34 | 208.74 | 178.56 | 167.52 | 157.89 | 49.04 | 45.23 | 43.89(f) | 41.37(f) | 38.10(f) | 35.45(f) | 32.98(f) | 30.94(f)
| 69 | GUY | 336 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Guyana Percent of GDP | 1997-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 130.21 | 135.74 | 121.07 | 120.19 | 129.66 | 131.32 | 119.48 | 118.17 | 115.68 | 93.10 | 59.99 | 61.59 | 61.25 | 60.19 | 61.75(f) | 63.37(f) | 64.53(f) | 64.56(f) | 62.00(f) | 61.95(f) | 61.38(f)
| 70 | HTI | 263 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Haiti Percent of GDP | 1997-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 43.94 | 40.53 | 39.92 | 55.48 | 49.60 | 54.41 | 60.88 | 49.95 | 47.19 | 39.05 | 34.78 | 37.80 | 27.67 | 17.14(f) | 10.63(f) | 16.27(f) | 19.78(f) | 22.46(f) | 24.76(f) | 26.91(f) | 28.18(f)
| 71 | HND | 268 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Honduras Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 67.87 | 65.26 | 66.12 | 69.73 | 62.68 | 48.24 | 31.71 | 19.68 | 19.82 | 23.94 | 26.34 | 28.12(f) | 31.17(f) | 31.02(f) | 30.53(f) | 30.07(f) | 29.79(f) | 28.70(f)
| 72 | HKG | 532 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Hong Kong SAR Percent of GDP | 2001-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 25.09 | 27.21 | 28.58 | 32.29 | 33.82 | 33.04 | 32.82 | 30.61 | 33.17 | 34.62 | 33.86(f) | 33.16(f) | 30.41(f) | 29.71(f) | 29.03(f) | 28.42(f) | 27.82(f)
| 73 | HUN | 944 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Hungary Percent of GDP | 1997-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 61.70 | 59.85 | 60.89 | 55.70 | 52.59 | 55.73 | 58.51 | 59.44 | 61.69 | 65.86 | 66.95 | 72.88 | 79.70 | 81.31 | 80.45(f) | 76.25(f) | 76.04(f) | 75.37(f) | 74.30(f) | 73.12(f) | 71.92(f)
| 74 | ISL | 176 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Iceland Percent of GDP | 1980-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | 25.54 | 23.03 | 29.79 | 31.52 | 33.23 | 32.77 | 30.50 | 27.94 | 31.24 | 35.99 | 36.22 | 38.39 | 46.24 | 53.14 | 55.66 | 58.94 | 56.30 | 53.08 | 47.86 | 43.41 | 41.04 | 45.89 | 42.07 | 40.82 | 34.41 | 25.42 | 30.13 | 29.11 | 70.33 | 88.15 | 92.83 | 99.19 | 97.34(f) | 92.42(f) | 90.88(f) | 87.84(f) | 82.98(f) | 81.66(f)
| 75 | IND | 534 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
India Percent of GDP | 1991-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 76.35 | 76.79 | 76.94 | 74.11 | 70.37 | 68.71 | 67.62 | 67.82 | 70.12 | 72.73 | 77.85 | 82.20 | 84.30 | 84.06 | 81.76 | 78.49 | 75.44 | 74.72 | 74.97 | 69.43 | 68.05(f) | 67.57(f) | 66.77(f) | 66.24(f) | 65.81(f) | 65.31(f) | 64.61(f)
| 76 | IDN | 536 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Indonesia Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 95.10 | 80.16 | 67.80 | 60.52 | 55.83 | 46.35 | 38.99 | 35.05 | 33.24 | 28.64 | 27.38 | 25.03(f) | 23.23(f) | 21.05(f) | 19.18(f) | 17.63(f) | 16.43(f) | 15.50(f)
| 77 | IRN | 429 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Islamic Republic of Ir Percent of GDP | 1996-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 31.42 | 29.26 | 33.43 | 25.34 | 23.35 | 20.32 | 25.67 | 25.81 | 25.17 | 21.53 | 18.10 | 16.61 | 13.29 | 14.74 | 16.72 | 12.70(f) | 10.36(f) | 9.020(f) | 7.790(f) | 8.228(f) | 10.67(f) | 13.52(f)
| 78 | IRQ | 433 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Iraq Percent of GDP | 2005-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 356.33 | 221.20 | 180.97 | 110.44 | 144.07 | 119.48 | 86.92(f) | 31.27(f) | 25.58(f) | 22.80(f) | 19.21(f) | 15.75(f) | 12.81(f)
| 79 | IRL | 178 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Ireland Percent of GDP | 1980-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | 65.18 | 69.40 | 74.12 | 86.93 | 91.05 | 93.80 | 108.20 | 109.24 | 107.47 | 98.81 | 93.49 | 94.61 | 91.39 | 94.21 | 88.82 | 81.20 | 72.70 | 63.67 | 53.04 | 47.98 | 37.47 | 35.20 | 31.91 | 30.73 | 29.13 | 27.06 | 24.71 | 24.83 | 44.23 | 65.16 | 92.49 | 104.95 | 113.13(f) | 117.73(f) | 117.45(f) | 114.74(f) | 112.16(f) | 109.19(f)
| 80 | ISR | 436 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Israel Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 84.33 | 88.99 | 96.66 | 99.25 | 97.65 | 93.74 | 84.72 | 78.13 | 76.96 | 79.41 | 76.05 | 74.34(f) | 73.98(f) | 72.61(f) | 70.81(f) | 69.11(f) | 67.44(f) | 65.79(f)
| 81 | ITA | 136 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Italy Percent of GDP | 1988-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 88.71 | 91.19 | 94.08 | 97.45 | 104.57 | 114.89 | 121.11 | 120.82 | 120.16 | 117.35 | 114.24 | 113.02 | 108.51 | 108.17 | 105.15 | 103.91 | 103.44 | 105.43 | 106.10 | 103.08 | 105.81 | 116.06 | 118.65 | 120.11 | 123.36(f) | 123.80(f) | 123.40(f) | 122.26(f) | 120.67(f) | 118.92(f)
| 82 | JAM | 343 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Jamaica Percent of GDP | 1999-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 83.22 | 92.39 | 108.69 | 118.41 | 123.10 | 119.91 | 119.30 | 117.11 | 114.62 | 126.38 | 139.48 | 141.35 | 138.98(f) | 145.89(f) | 148.20(f) | 149.60(f) | 153.49(f) | 157.73(f) | 162.78(f)
| 83 | JPN | 158 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Japan Percent of GDP | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 50.63 | 55.29 | 59.26 | 64.83 | 66.34 | 66.67 | 69.93 | 72.46 | 70.35 | 67.30 | 67.04 | 66.49 | 71.22 | 77.27 | 83.35 | 91.23 | 98.97 | 105.58 | 118.32 | 131.87 | 140.15 | 153.64 | 163.99 | 169.57 | 180.66 | 186.44 | 186.00 | 183.01 | 191.81 | 210.25 | 215.30 | 229.77(f) | 235.83(f) | 241.15(f) | 245.61(f) | 249.74(f) | 253.56(f) | 256.60(f)
| 84 | JOR | 439 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Jordan Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 219.73 | 200.63 | 149.75 | 136.95 | 126.34 | 114.82 | 113.54 | 106.86 | 109.59 | 108.01 | 100.48 | 96.48 | 99.72 | 99.64 | 91.82 | 84.30 | 76.31 | 73.77 | 60.26 | 64.51 | 66.81 | 69.78(f) | 71.85(f) | 71.50(f) | 70.66(f) | 69.81(f) | 68.73(f) | 67.55(f)
| 85 | KAZ | 916 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Kazakhstan Percent of GDP | 2002-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 17.59 | 14.89 | 11.39 | 8.099 | 6.667 | 5.930 | 6.661 | 10.23 | 10.68 | 10.88 | 9.582(f) | 8.301(f) | 7.389(f) | 5.887(f) | 4.242(f) | 2.853(f)
| 86 | KEN | 664 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Kenya Percent of GDP | 1998-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 54.84 | 53.90 | 52.80 | 51.98 | 59.41 | 60.59 | 55.03 | 50.84 | 46.76 | 46.01 | 45.48 | 47.56 | 49.81 | 48.94(f) | 46.55(f) | 45.45(f) | 44.78(f) | 44.25(f) | 44.63(f) | 45.15(f)
| 88 | KOR | 542 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Korea Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 13.81 | 12.88 | 12.64 | 11.84 | 10.60 | 9.365 | 8.604 | 10.73 | 15.36 | 17.60 | 18.02 | 18.70 | 18.56 | 21.62 | 24.63 | 28.66 | 31.12 | 30.66 | 30.11 | 33.77 | 33.43 | 34.14(f) | 32.88(f) | 30.83(f) | 28.71(f) | 26.74(f) | 24.92(f) | 23.08(f)
| 90 | KWT | 443 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Kuwait Percent of GDP | 1990-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1.093 | 203.36 | 121.85 | 112.72 | 114.53 | 91.25 | 85.62 | 59.20 | 59.50 | 50.83 | 35.43 | 36.33 | 32.24 | 24.54 | 18.55 | 14.14 | 10.57 | 11.83 | 9.769 | 11.33 | 10.53(f) | 7.348(f) | 6.254(f) | 6.207(f) | 6.085(f) | 5.849(f) | 5.555(f) | 5.225(f)
| 91 | KGZ | 917 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Kyrgyz Republic Percent of GDP | 2000-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 122.27 | 107.32 | 106.87 | 106.90 | 92.91 | 85.94 | 72.50 | 56.81 | 48.46 | 57.99 | 60.32 | 52.44 | 51.15(f) | 51.95(f) | 50.48(f) | 49.82(f) | 49.40(f) | 46.63(f)
| 92 | LAO | 544 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Lao People's Democrati Percent of GDP | 2001-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 111.45 | 112.14 | 106.07 | 92.93 | 83.81 | 71.39 | 63.35 | 59.87 | 62.15 | 62.05(f) | 57.36(f) | 54.02(f) | 52.16(f) | 50.77(f) | 49.37(f) | 47.97(f) | 46.48(f)
| 93 | LVA | 941 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Latvia Percent of GDP | 1999-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 12.22 | 12.27 | 13.99 | 13.47 | 14.61 | 14.42 | 11.77 | 9.901 | 7.793 | 17.20 | 32.86 | 39.89 | 37.77 | 39.10(f) | 41.59(f) | 39.10(f) | 35.27(f) | 35.46(f) | 33.21(f)
| 94 | LBN | 446 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Lebanon Percent of GDP | 2000-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 146.00 | 160.41 | 160.43 | 166.21 | 164.64 | 175.95 | 179.89 | 167.75 | 156.33 | 147.63 | 141.69 | 136.22 | 135.32(f) | 133.83(f) | 133.91(f) | 134.24(f) | 134.96(f) | 135.50(f)
| 95 | LSO | 666 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Lesotho Percent of GDP | 1988-2008 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 26.20 | 28.35 | 20.03 | 13.46 | 72.77 | 80.70 | 76.74 | 72.79 | 80.95 | 75.05 | 92.07 | 95.41 | 101.19 | 126.09 | 93.36 | 62.65 | 55.72 | 60.26 | 62.59 | 58.21 | 50.61 | 38.17(f) | 35.22(f) | 39.65(f) | 42.17(f) | 45.02(f) | 41.69(f) | 39.40(f) | 39.19(f) | 39.62(f)
| 96 | LBR | 668 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Liberia Percent of GDP | 2000-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 789.83 | 832.41 | 817.34 | 1094.75 | 980.63 | 864.00 | 791.42 | 600.75 | 388.92 | 202.22 | 15.01 | 13.92 | 14.52(f) | 16.33(f) | 18.74(f) | 20.88(f) | 23.21(f) | 24.92(f)
| 97 | LBY | 672 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Libya Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 73.56 | 67.04 | 64.84 | 72.85 | 78.55 | 75.04 | 68.24 | 63.07 | 62.42 | 52.39 | 39.04 | 38.89 | 28.79 | 23.63 | 0.9150 | 0.6690 | 0.5500 | | | | | | | | | | |
| 98 | LTU | 946 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Lithuania Percent of GDP | 2000-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 23.57 | 22.71 | 22.14 | 21.05 | 19.31 | 18.38 | 17.95 | 16.83 | 15.50 | 29.36 | 37.99 | 38.96 | 40.94(f) | 41.14(f) | 40.46(f) | 39.43(f) | 38.25(f) | 36.86(f)
| 99 | LUX | 137 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Luxembourg Percent of GDP | 1996-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 7.448 | 7.401 | 7.096 | 6.427 | 6.165 | 6.308 | 6.323 | 6.213 | 6.349 | 6.068 | 6.680 | 6.674 | 13.68 | 14.78 | 19.05 | 20.85 | 23.82(f) | 26.75(f) | 29.28(f) | 31.58(f) | 33.68(f) | 35.60(f)
| 100 | MKD | 962 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Former Yugoslav Republ Percent of GDP | 1999-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 32.02 | 47.92 | 48.80 | 42.92 | 37.92 | 35.64 | 39.54 | 31.99 | 23.98 | 20.64 | 23.83 | 24.77 | 28.11 | 30.47(f) | 29.21(f) | 29.78(f) | 29.95(f) | 29.78(f) | 29.59(f)
| 101 | MDG | 674 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Madagascar Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 11.25 | 12.80 | 12.49 | 11.53 | 13.71 | 13.71 | 10.78 | 12.31 | 11.97 | 11.88 | 11.50 | 13.40 | 14.40 | 16.02 | 12.58 | 10.58 | 9.903 | 8.758 | 6.380 | 6.687 | 6.192 | 5.678(f) | 5.035(f) | 4.413(f) | 3.885(f) | 3.443(f) | 3.077(f) | 2.775(f)
| 102 | MWI | 676 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Malawi Percent of GDP | 2002-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 135.98 | 151.91 | 131.00 | 132.44 | 32.21 | 32.38 | 41.21 | 40.09 | 35.05 | 42.46 | 42.70(f) | 40.59(f) | 36.85(f) | 34.61(f) | 32.58(f) | 30.66(f)
| 103 | MYS | 548 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Malaysia Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 79.54 | 72.23 | 63.42 | 54.86 | 46.91 | 40.95 | 35.16 | 31.78 | 36.09 | 36.87 | 35.31 | 41.35 | 43.06 | 45.08 | 45.70 | 44.44 | 43.16 | 42.71 | 42.75 | 55.36 | 52.89 | 52.56(f) | 53.14(f) | 54.04(f) | 54.82(f) | 55.58(f) | 56.35(f) | 57.11(f)
| 104 | MDV | 556 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Maldives Percent of GDP | 1997-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 30.90 | 31.93 | 31.26 | 31.83 | 33.87 | 36.38 | 33.00 | 31.11 | 39.77 | 35.76 | 35.36 | 35.90 | 53.89 | 61.86(f) | 69.10(f) | 79.01(f) | 92.16(f) | 104.62(f) | 116.48(f) | 127.73(f) | 138.80(f)
| 105 | MLI | 678 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Mali Percent of GDP | 2000-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 104.93 | 91.64 | 54.21 | 49.01 | 46.20 | 52.89 | 20.29 | 21.71 | 21.60 | 24.20 | 29.46 | 30.64 | 27.14(f) | 24.40(f) | 24.76(f) | 25.34(f) | 25.99(f) | 24.09(f)
| 106 | MLT | 181 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Malta Percent of GDP | 1995-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 36.56 | 41.52 | 50.16 | 55.33 | 59.18 | 57.88 | 65.43 | 60.67 | 67.18 | 70.89 | 69.65 | 64.35 | 62.25 | 62.32 | 68.05 | 69.41(f) | 70.94(f) | 71.44(f) | 70.69(f) | 69.00(f) | 66.90(f) | 64.29(f) | 61.25(f)
| 107 | MRT | 682 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Mauritania Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 280.45 | 267.66 | 235.47 | 216.42 | 209.34 | 182.07 | 86.76 | 96.85 | 116.62 | 134.64 | 96.77 | 92.40(f) | 98.00(f) | 91.97(f) | 87.36(f) | 81.54(f) | 75.49(f) | 67.29(f)
| 108 | MUS | 684 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Mauritius Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 45.30 | 44.80 | 52.53 | 59.10 | 51.70 | 53.53 | 51.01 | 47.28 | 43.97 | 50.70 | 50.52 | 50.63(f) | 51.26(f) | 50.37(f) | 50.38(f) | 50.29(f) | 49.63(f) | 45.60(f)
| 109 | MEX | 273 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Mexico Percent of GDP | 1996-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 48.17 | 44.44 | 45.41 | 47.41 | 42.58 | 41.97 | 45.69 | 45.58 | 41.42 | 39.84 | 38.35 | 37.83 | 43.11 | 44.58 | 42.87 | 43.81(f) | 42.85(f) | 42.95(f) | 42.95(f) | 43.06(f) | 43.11(f) | 43.08(f)
| 110 | MDA | 921 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Moldova Percent of GDP | 1995-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 79.48 | 87.49 | 89.05 | 159.42 | 150.74 | 96.53 | 84.03 | 67.16 | 54.58 | 42.84 | 34.81 | 31.05 | 24.65 | 19.27 | 29.12 | 26.54 | 23.39 | 22.55(f) | 20.66(f) | 18.86(f) | 17.60(f) | 16.36(f) | 15.81(f)
| 112 | MNE | 943 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Montenegro Percent of GDP | 2002-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 75.73 | 40.26 | 45.31 | 38.59 | 32.62 | 27.50 | 31.88 | 40.69 | 42.39 | 45.83(f) | 48.93(f) | 51.08(f) | 52.52(f) | 54.16(f) | 56.08(f) | 57.97(f)
| 113 | MAR | 686 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Morocco Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 89.15 | 74.23 | 85.96 | 95.49 | 87.97 | 92.48 | 83.29 | 86.16 | 72.94 | 71.85 | 73.67 | 68.41 | 67.15 | 64.38 | 61.68 | 64.56 | 59.38 | 54.63 | 48.23 | 47.96 | 51.28 | 54.39(f) | 56.02(f) | 57.45(f) | 57.95(f) | 57.45(f) | 55.97(f) | 53.86(f)
| 114 | MOZ | 688 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Mozambique Percent of GDP | 1999-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 131.18 | 131.87 | 138.38 | 89.70 | 89.08 | 70.68 | 80.96 | 53.61 | 41.92 | 42.14 | 40.13 | 39.51 | 33.20(f) | 39.98(f) | 42.29(f) | 44.04(f) | 44.93(f) | 45.18(f) | 44.97(f)
| 115 | MMR | 518 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Myanmar Percent of GDP | 1998-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 110.05 | 89.86 | 109.24 | 140.95 | 107.30 | 88.70 | 84.93 | 81.20 | 68.79 | 49.56 | 42.45 | 44.58 | 42.87 | 44.32(f) | 45.73(f) | 44.16(f) | 41.71(f) | 36.17(f) | 34.30(f) | 32.52(f)
| 116 | NAM | 728 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Namibia Percent of GDP | 1993-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 17.37 | 17.03 | 18.98 | 20.15 | 19.02 | 21.07 | 22.36 | 19.94 | 22.22 | 21.78 | 24.95 | 27.49 | 26.05 | 23.84 | 19.06 | 17.69 | 15.93 | 15.68(f) | 21.85(f) | 25.34(f) | 26.29(f) | 27.70(f) | 28.40(f) | 29.48(f) | 32.15(f)
| 117 | NPL | 558 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Nepal Percent of GDP | 2000-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 57.89 | 57.91 | 59.10 | 60.71 | 58.32 | 51.93 | 49.32 | 42.82 | 41.28 | 39.00 | 36.06 | 34.07 | 34.04(f) | 34.27(f) | 34.61(f) | 35.18(f) | 35.93(f) | 36.68(f)
| 118 | NLD | 138 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Netherlands Percent of GDP | 1995-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 76.10 | 74.10 | 68.20 | 65.70 | 61.10 | 53.80 | 50.70 | 50.50 | 52.00 | 52.40 | 51.82 | 47.37 | 45.30 | 58.46 | 60.77 | 62.86 | 66.23 | 70.13(f) | 73.66(f) | 76.45(f) | 77.96(f) | 78.69(f) | 78.63(f)
| 119 | NZL | 196 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
New Zealand Percent of GDP | 1985-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 67.08 | 71.63 | 66.54 | 57.85 | 58.40 | 58.98 | 61.32 | 62.36 | 57.79 | 51.91 | 46.01 | 39.42 | 36.59 | 36.57 | 33.95 | 31.77 | 29.80 | 27.91 | 26.11 | 23.77 | 21.88 | 19.43 | 17.36 | 20.30 | 26.11 | 32.29 | 37.04 | 35.98(f) | 35.43(f) | 35.00(f) | 33.42(f) | 32.69(f) | 31.52(f)
| 120 | NIC | 278 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Nicaragua Percent of GDP | 2005-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 142.58 | 114.85 | 84.19 | 76.62 | 82.11 | 79.89 | 72.03(f) | 68.72(f) | 64.70(f) | 61.60(f) | 57.83(f) | 54.16(f) | 51.24(f)
| 121 | NER | 692 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Niger Percent of GDP | 1995-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 90.66 | 80.99 | 91.21 | 81.77 | 83.71 | 88.78 | 85.10 | 88.86 | 69.88 | 58.85 | 51.64 | 15.76 | 15.88 | 13.94 | 15.67 | 16.38 | 18.94 | 21.62(f) | 24.95(f) | 28.11(f) | 31.13(f) | 33.73(f) | 36.41(f)
| 122 | NGA | 694 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Nigeria Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 84.22 | 87.97 | 68.78 | 63.86 | 52.66 | 28.61 | 11.81 | 12.83 | 11.60 | 15.21 | 18.00 | 17.86(f) | 18.34(f) | 18.88(f) | 19.22(f) | 19.19(f) | 18.87(f) | 18.51(f)
| 123 | NOR | 142 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Norway Percent of GDP | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 47.32 | 43.07 | 38.25 | 35.22 | 35.09 | 36.88 | 46.00 | 38.52 | 32.41 | 32.32 | 28.92 | 39.22 | 45.02 | 53.72 | 50.73 | 37.87 | 33.61 | 29.67 | 28.01 | 29.14 | 32.66 | 31.84 | 39.00 | 48.45 | 50.94 | 47.84 | 58.95 | 56.82 | 54.28 | 48.92 | 49.61 | 49.61(f) | 49.61(f) | 49.61(f) | 49.61(f) | 49.61(f) | 49.61(f) | 49.61(f)
| 124 | OMN | 449 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Oman Percent of GDP | 1990-2008 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 20.38 | 26.56 | 28.43 | 28.10 | 30.68 | 28.53 | 27.58 | 27.13 | 38.57 | 33.74 | 25.38 | 24.38 | 18.15 | 16.66 | 15.47 | 9.637 | 8.749 | 6.912 | 4.737 | 6.454(f) | 5.386(f) | 5.055(f) | 5.554(f) | 6.252(f) | 7.208(f) | 7.931(f) | 13.43(f) | 14.22(f)
| 125 | PAK | 564 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Pakistan Percent of GDP | 1994-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 78.48 | 73.29 | 73.36 | 74.11 | 76.16 | 81.03 | 83.04 | 87.88 | 81.85 | 75.94 | 68.32 | 63.46 | 57.53 | 54.87 | 59.57 | 60.71 | 61.47 | 60.12 | 61.72(f) | 60.15(f) | 58.30(f) | 56.16(f) | 54.49(f) | 53.17(f)
| 126 | PAN | 283 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Panama Percent of GDP | 1991-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 115.75 | 101.84 | 93.27 | 87.48 | 85.59 | 72.60 | 67.12 | 64.83 | 67.16 | 66.54 | 71.15 | 69.43 | 64.05 | 66.64 | 62.61 | 54.84 | 48.04 | 41.13 | 43.49 | 39.19 | 37.83 | 35.99(f) | 34.43(f) | 32.73(f) | 30.49(f) | 28.15(f) | 25.40(f)
| 128 | PRY | 288 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Paraguay Percent of GDP | 1990-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 67.00 | 59.08 | 40.76 | 30.66 | 21.20 | 19.73 | 18.78 | 20.18 | 25.90 | 39.20 | 40.73 | 50.75 | 72.61 | 53.11 | 45.50 | 38.00 | 27.76 | 21.81 | 19.01 | 18.01 | 15.02 | 13.66 | 13.52(f) | 11.90(f) | 11.26(f) | 10.38(f) | 9.499(f) | 8.349(f)
| 129 | PER | 293 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Peru Percent of GDP | 2000-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 42.43 | 41.47 | 43.21 | 47.11 | 44.34 | 37.74 | 33.11 | 30.37 | 25.17 | 28.39 | 24.56 | 21.64 | 20.74(f) | 19.79(f) | 19.18(f) | 18.72(f) | 18.28(f) | 17.65(f)
| 130 | PHL | 566 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Philippines Percent of GDP | 1994-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 65.53 | 62.72 | 54.73 | 58.68 | 51.06 | 53.58 | 58.77 | 58.83 | 63.26 | 68.04 | 65.80 | 59.17 | 51.58 | 44.64 | 44.17 | 44.34 | 42.20 | 40.47 | 40.14(f) | 38.67(f) | 37.15(f) | 35.76(f) | 34.42(f) | 33.21(f)
| 131 | POL | 964 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Poland Percent of GDP | 1995-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 48.99 | 43.39 | 42.93 | 38.89 | 39.57 | 36.79 | 37.56 | 42.16 | 47.05 | 45.69 | 47.09 | 47.74 | 44.99 | 47.11 | 50.92 | 54.89 | 55.39 | 55.69(f) | 55.17(f) | 53.89(f) | 52.15(f) | 50.46(f) | 48.68(f)
| 132 | PRT | 182 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Portugal Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 57.20 | 60.71 | 55.18 | 54.36 | 57.39 | 59.10 | 58.21 | 54.34 | 50.27 | 49.43 | 48.36 | 51.07 | 53.68 | 55.70 | 57.46 | 62.53 | 63.69 | 68.27 | 71.58 | 83.05 | 93.44 | 106.79(f) | 112.40(f) | 115.32(f) | 114.36(f) | 112.75(f) | 110.69(f) | 109.15(f)
| 133 | QAT | 453 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Qatar Percent of GDP | 1990-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 10.90 | 17.37 | 20.27 | 37.71 | 42.75 | 42.36 | 47.64 | 50.69 | 64.30 | 65.51 | 54.99 | 56.72 | 45.46 | 37.07 | 26.02 | 17.58 | 12.13 | 8.001 | 11.66 | 28.80 | 30.94 | 31.48 | 29.60(f) | 27.41(f) | 26.41(f) | 23.85(f) | 22.45(f) | 21.68(f)
| 134 | ROU | 968 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Romania Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 29.52 | 27.28 | 27.43 | 24.19 | 21.10 | 17.64 | 12.62 | 12.72 | 13.64 | 23.79 | 31.20 | 32.96(f) | 34.22(f) | 32.97(f) | 31.56(f) | 30.15(f) | 28.76(f) | 27.39(f)
| 135 | RUS | 922 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Russia Percent of GDP | 1999-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 98.98 | 59.86 | 47.61 | 40.31 | 30.36 | 22.32 | 14.24 | 9.048 | 8.511 | 7.876 | 10.96 | 11.69 | 9.601 | 8.372(f) | 7.908(f) | 9.015(f) | 9.744(f) | 11.26(f) | 10.97(f)
| 136 | RWA | 714 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Rwanda Percent of GDP | 1995-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 119.54 | 99.01 | 85.70 | 83.17 | 92.98 | 102.54 | 98.67 | 107.93 | 100.64 | 90.83 | 70.69 | 26.58 | 26.90 | 21.37 | 23.02 | 23.24 | 23.43(f) | 25.16(f) | 24.36(f) | 21.58(f) | 19.29(f) | 18.58(f) | 18.10(f)
| 138 | STP | 716 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
São Tomé and Príncipe Percent of GDP | 2001-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 405.38 | 368.99 | 309.16 | 287.25 | 256.60 | 265.97 | 103.79 | 59.96 | 70.85 | 81.48 | 74.43 | 76.31(f) | 72.19(f) | 70.10(f) | 46.43(f) | 44.50(f) | 42.52(f)
| 139 | SAU | 456 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Saudi Arabia Percent of GDP | 1999-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 103.48 | 87.18 | 93.70 | 96.89 | 82.03 | 65.04 | 38.87 | 27.30 | 18.50 | 13.16 | 15.94 | 9.879 | 7.524(f) | 5.941(f) | 5.205(f) | 4.557(f) | 3.934(f) | 3.362(f) | 2.850(f)
| 140 | SEN | 722 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Senegal Percent of GDP | 2000-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 73.72 | 70.93 | 67.98 | 54.70 | 47.51 | 45.66 | 23.01 | 24.47 | 24.81 | 34.55 | 35.88 | 40.62 | 43.73(f) | 44.49(f) | 45.72(f) | 46.32(f) | 46.71(f) | 46.86(f)
| 141 | SRB | 942 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Serbia Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 241.65 | 114.49 | 81.23 | 77.77 | 65.36 | 56.29 | 43.03 | 35.63 | 34.19 | 38.16 | 44.83 | 47.89(f) | 53.65(f) | 52.92(f) | 52.24(f) | 50.79(f) | 49.43(f) | 47.93(f)
| 142 | SYC | 718 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Seychelles Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 78.14 | 86.59 | 81.43 | 83.02 | 122.43 | 134.87 | 147.00 | 144.25 | 163.39 | 160.00 | 177.84 | 199.79 | 195.86 | 176.98 | 159.83 | 141.38 | 132.33 | 143.30 | 193.08 | 108.74 | 82.82 | 83.02(f) | 84.28(f) | 78.78(f) | 73.55(f) | 68.70(f) | 63.76(f) | 58.41(f)
| 143 | SLE | 724 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Sierra Leone Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 160.50 | 199.00 | 213.28 | 224.57 | 204.67 | 177.87 | 136.68 | 55.19 | 53.73 | 61.84 | 65.45 | 59.96(f) | 44.33(f) | 42.34(f) | 43.71(f) | 43.52(f) | 43.38(f) | 43.35(f)
| 144 | SGP | 576 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Singapore Percent of GDP | 1990-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 71.12 | 74.06 | 76.45 | 68.96 | 68.20 | 68.06 | 69.56 | 68.87 | 82.38 | 84.92 | 81.18 | 95.38 | 95.51 | 98.74 | 96.02 | 93.45 | 86.38 | 85.77 | 96.92 | 103.35 | 101.23 | 100.79 | 97.98(f) | 95.70(f) | 92.64(f) | 90.23(f) | 87.61(f) | 89.04(f)
| 145 | SVK | 936 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Slovak Republic Percent of GDP | 1998-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 34.50 | 47.81 | 50.30 | 48.86 | 43.42 | 42.37 | 41.47 | 34.15 | 30.54 | 29.62 | 27.86 | 35.56 | 41.07 | 44.63 | 47.08(f) | 48.76(f) | 49.88(f) | 52.83(f) | 53.75(f) | 54.60(f)
| 146 | SVN | 961 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Slovenia Percent of GDP | 1995-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 17.04 | 20.43 | 21.04 | 21.62 | 22.39 | 29.54 | 29.07 | 28.92 | 27.55 | 27.34 | 26.76 | 26.43 | 23.09 | 21.94 | 35.26 | 38.79 | 47.31 | 52.47(f) | 55.86(f) | 58.54(f) | 60.64(f) | 62.28(f) | 63.67(f)
| 147 | SLB | 813 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Solomon Islands Percent of GDP | 2003-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 72.33 | 59.53 | 54.50 | 49.49 | 42.74 | 33.53 | 32.06 | 27.21 | 22.64(f) | 19.59(f) | 18.11(f) | 16.94(f) | 15.59(f) | 14.34(f) |
| 148 | ZAF | 199 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
South Africa Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 43.32 | 43.49 | 36.95 | 36.91 | 35.88 | 34.62 | 32.61 | 28.29 | 27.36 | 31.53 | 35.26 | 38.77(f) | 39.98(f) | 40.80(f) | 41.50(f) | 40.66(f) | 38.75(f) | 36.40(f)
| 149 | ESP | 184 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Spain Percent of GDP | 1980-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | 16.55 | 19.99 | 25.11 | 30.34 | 37.03 | 42.00 | 43.24 | 43.08 | 39.57 | 40.98 | 42.45 | 43.03 | 45.36 | 56.09 | 58.60 | 63.30 | 67.45 | 66.12 | 64.13 | 62.38 | 59.35 | 55.57 | 52.58 | 48.79 | 46.26 | 43.17 | 39.68 | 36.30 | 40.17 | 53.93 | 61.17 | 68.47 | 79.04(f) | 84.03(f) | 87.43(f) | 89.31(f) | 90.72(f) | 91.85(f)
| 151 | KNA | 361 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
St. Kitts and Nevis Percent of GDP | 1996-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 49.27 | 67.09 | 79.70 | 89.94 | 97.61 | 105.81 | 120.47 | 143.21 | 156.01 | 159.91 | 145.28 | 134.09 | 130.98 | 148.53 | 163.56 | 153.41(f) | 151.19(f) | 147.28(f) | 142.15(f) | 136.38(f) | 131.16(f) | 127.34(f)
| 152 | LCA | 362 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
St. Lucia Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 22.55 | 24.97 | 28.61 | 29.63 | 30.56 | 29.77 | 31.49 | 35.06 | 38.03 | 37.51 | 42.51 | 49.50 | 61.75 | 58.00 | 62.61 | 64.94 | 61.41 | 58.55 | 58.80 | 63.20 | 65.34 | 71.95(f) | 76.36(f) | 78.46(f) | 80.41(f) | 82.26(f) | 84.06(f) | 85.88(f)
| 153 | VCT | 364 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
St. Vincent and the Gr Percent of GDP | 1990-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 60.81 | 58.03 | 54.93 | 53.60 | 58.29 | 51.58 | 44.53 | 42.45 | 43.14 | 58.10 | 58.96 | 56.71 | 57.50 | 59.43 | 64.68 | 66.49 | 63.80 | 55.60 | 57.01 | 64.91 | 67.76 | 71.41 | 70.43(f) | 70.42(f) | 68.45(f) | 65.60(f) | 62.97(f) | 60.36(f)
| 154 | SDN | 732 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Sudan Percent of GDP | 1992-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 454.86 | 262.61 | 354.99 | 219.55 | 261.83 | 196.16 | 180.21 | 170.43 | 159.50 | 157.05 | 154.56 | 144.97 | 119.00 | 102.98 | 83.59 | 80.44 | 75.21 | 77.18 | 71.68 | 73.14(f) | 108.98(f) | 104.87(f) | 99.64(f) | 95.90(f) | 93.76(f) | 90.78(f)
| 155 | SUR | 366 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Suriname Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 105.89 | 108.50 | 103.89 | 114.98 | 76.62 | 21.22 | 16.86 | 25.64 | 32.48 | 51.71 | 69.41 | 52.00 | 50.35 | 42.73 | 39.55 | 36.01 | 29.31 | 20.80 | 17.93 | 18.54 | 21.98 | 20.57(f) | 19.77(f) | 19.80(f) | 18.30(f) | 16.62(f) | 14.73(f) |
| 156 | SWZ | 734 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Swaziland Percent of GDP | 1993-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 17.62 | 15.30 | 14.39 | 15.17 | 12.72 | 18.50 | 19.32 | 21.68 | 23.93 | 21.82 | 22.50 | 18.46 | 16.49 | 17.34 | 18.37 | 16.62 | 12.56 | 15.94 | 17.53(f) | 19.04(f) | 29.17(f) | 35.43(f) | 41.39(f) | 46.90(f) | 51.75(f)
| 157 | SWE | 144 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Sweden Percent of GDP | 1993-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 69.91 | 72.42 | 72.67 | 73.16 | 72.09 | 69.90 | 64.21 | 53.90 | 54.74 | 52.50 | 51.73 | 50.34 | 50.40 | 45.27 | 40.23 | 38.80 | 42.53 | 39.41 | 37.44(f) | 35.54(f) | 33.53(f) | 30.54(f) | 27.44(f) | 24.11(f) | 20.40(f)
| 158 | CHE | 146 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Switzerland Percent of GDP | 1983-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 38.29 | 37.95 | 37.29 | 35.80 | 34.76 | 33.32 | 31.00 | 38.24 | 39.86 | 45.19 | 49.68 | 52.97 | 56.45 | 58.38 | 60.86 | 64.16 | 61.30 | 61.32 | 61.24 | 68.22 | 67.74 | 72.15 | 72.45 | 64.58 | 55.95 | 52.57 | 53.62 | 50.11(f) | 48.65(f) | 48.88(f) | 47.79(f) | 46.05(f) | 45.31(f) | 44.59(f) | 43.86(f)
| 159 | SYR | 463 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Syrian Arab Republic Percent of GDP | 1990-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 182.64 | 160.98 | 165.73 | 167.68 | 160.54 | 151.62 | 140.00 | 146.12 | 150.40 | 146.64 | 151.16 | 142.90 | 131.21 | 133.52 | 111.61 | 50.23 | 46.93 | 43.21 | 37.40 | 31.39 | 29.40(f) | | | | | | |
| 160 | TWN | 528 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Taiwan Province of Chi Percent of GDP | 1997-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 25.36 | 24.10 | 24.07 | 26.59 | 30.70 | 30.41 | 32.84 | 34.13 | 34.93 | 34.20 | 33.32 | 34.68 | 38.05 | 38.59 | 40.80(f) | 42.50(f) | 42.56(f) | 41.31(f) | 38.70(f) | 36.19(f) | 33.86(f)
| 161 | TJK | 923 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Tajikistan Percent of GDP | 1998-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 96.57 | 107.81 | 111.43 | 103.25 | 90.66 | 64.33 | 43.91 | 41.97 | 35.29 | 34.61 | 29.84 | 36.17 | 36.28 | 35.35 | 34.96(f) | 36.36(f) | 36.55(f) | 36.50(f) | 36.61(f) | 35.26(f)
| 162 | TZA | 738 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Tanzania Percent of GDP | 2002-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 66.56 | 63.51 | 63.17 | 62.82 | 63.04 | 36.99 | 35.02 | 37.14 | 39.94 | 44.39(f) | 47.74(f) | 48.85(f) | 49.33(f) | 49.40(f) | 49.93(f) | 50.05(f)
| 163 | THA | 578 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Thailand Percent of GDP | 1996-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 15.19 | 40.46 | 49.88 | 56.59 | 57.83 | 57.52 | 55.05 | 50.69 | 49.46 | 47.36 | 41.99 | 38.35 | 37.27 | 45.22 | 42.64 | 41.69 | 44.40(f) | 46.26(f) | 48.98(f) | 50.25(f) | 51.17(f) | 51.66(f)
| 165 | TGO | 742 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Togo Percent of GDP | 2001-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 102.27 | 100.05 | 101.60 | 93.10 | 76.90 | 85.38 | 100.84 | 83.25 | 67.65 | 32.12(f) | 30.84(f) | 31.62(f) | 32.92(f) | 33.62(f) | 33.21(f) | 32.71(f) | 32.15(f)
| 167 | TTO | 369 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Trinidad and Tobago Percent of GDP | 1999-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 56.12 | 54.86 | 56.52 | 59.08 | 53.21 | 45.18 | 36.84 | 32.58 | 28.86 | 24.87 | 30.82 | 35.89 | 32.35(f) | 37.32(f) | 38.64(f) | 40.46(f) | 42.89(f) | 45.44(f) | 47.72(f)
| 168 | TUN | 744 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Tunisia Percent of GDP | 1991-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 66.06 | 65.01 | 66.51 | 66.60 | 68.36 | 69.35 | 69.91 | 61.05 | 64.97 | 65.94 | 67.60 | 67.38 | 66.38 | 53.72 | 52.48 | 48.79 | 45.93 | 43.34 | 42.78 | 40.42 | 42.41 | 43.51(f) | 49.08(f) | 49.62(f) | 48.94(f) | 47.54(f) | 45.73(f)
| 169 | TUR | 186 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Turkey Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 51.56 | 77.94 | 74.00 | 67.70 | 59.61 | 52.71 | 46.52 | 39.92 | 40.02 | 46.12 | 42.21 | 39.44(f) | 36.04(f) | 34.55(f) | 33.52(f) | 32.81(f) | 32.09(f) | 31.38(f)
| 170 | TKM | 925 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Turkmenistan Percent of GDP | 1997-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 50.65 | 64.41 | 52.61 | 43.51 | 26.90 | 19.08 | 13.35 | 9.008 | 5.379 | 3.334 | 2.416 | 2.809 | 2.640 | 11.77 | 15.35(f) | 19.81(f) | 22.19(f) | 21.38(f) | 15.46(f) | 10.49(f) | 6.456(f)
| 172 | UGA | 746 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Uganda Percent of GDP | 1997-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 69.00 | 67.72 | 74.43 | 79.55 | 81.83 | 92.41 | 99.57 | 78.90 | 75.31 | 71.81 | 23.25 | 22.53 | 22.22 | 23.32 | 29.22(f) | 29.41(f) | 28.01(f) | 28.52(f) | 27.43(f) | 27.14(f) | 26.19(f)
| 173 | UKR | 926 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Ukraine Percent of GDP | 1997-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 29.88 | 48.13 | 60.98 | 45.29 | 36.55 | 33.54 | 29.36 | 24.75 | 17.70 | 14.80 | 12.31 | 20.55 | 35.38 | 40.06 | 36.50(f) | 35.89(f) | 33.21(f) | 31.95(f) | 31.93(f) | 32.55(f) | 33.18(f)
| 174 | ARE | 466 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
United Arab Emirates Percent of GDP | 1999-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4.815 | 3.093 | 2.690 | 3.595 | 4.404 | 5.640 | 6.632 | 6.800 | 7.821 | 12.52 | 22.52 | 21.30 | 16.89(f) | 14.64(f) | 14.29(f) | 14.85(f) | 15.11(f) | 15.08(f) | 14.67(f)
| 175 | GBR | 112 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
United Kingdom Percent of GDP | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 46.10 | 49.25 | 47.56 | 46.51 | 47.03 | 46.02 | 46.07 | 44.28 | 41.87 | 37.02 | 32.58 | 31.30 | 32.80 | 37.95 | 43.03 | 46.31 | 48.22 | 49.27 | 46.28 | 43.65 | 40.88 | 37.71 | 37.24 | 38.56 | 40.25 | 42.07 | 43.12 | 43.91 | 52.47 | 68.37 | 75.12 | 82.50(f) | 88.37(f) | 91.37(f) | 92.79(f) | 92.24(f) | 90.14(f) | 86.77(f)
| 176 | USA | 111 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
United States Percent of GDP | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 42.28 | 41.41 | 46.25 | 49.25 | 50.90 | 55.75 | 59.20 | 60.95 | 61.94 | 62.21 | 63.90 | 68.38 | 70.74 | 72.42 | 71.58 | 71.12 | 70.30 | 67.80 | 64.57 | 60.84 | 54.84 | 54.75 | 57.12 | 60.43 | 68.27 | 67.87 | 66.63 | 67.16 | 76.14 | 89.88 | 98.52 | 102.94(f) | 106.60(f) | 110.17(f) | 111.90(f) | 112.48(f) | 112.85(f) | 112.99(f)
| 177 | URY | 298 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Uruguay Percent of GDP | 2001-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 50.91 | 107.16 | 104.63 | 90.14 | 77.62 | 71.15 | 64.43 | 63.30 | 62.67 | 58.36 | 54.19(f) | 49.05(f) | 47.24(f) | 45.00(f) | 42.73(f) | 39.85(f) | 36.89(f)
| 178 | UZB | 927 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Uzbekistan Percent of GDP | 1998-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 29.38 | 29.36 | 42.13 | 59.38 | 54.60 | 41.64 | 35.12 | 28.19 | 21.34 | 15.79 | 12.73 | 10.98 | 9.961 | 9.101 | 8.751(f) | 8.497(f) | 8.524(f) | 8.627(f) | 8.764(f) | 8.967(f)
| 180 | VEN | 299 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Venezuela Percent of GDP | 1994-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 71.88 | 66.90 | 59.87 | 40.10 | 37.06 | 38.08 | 31.89 | 34.50 | 46.45 | 49.29 | 42.92 | 33.73 | 28.38 | 29.86 | 26.31 | 33.76 | 40.20 | 45.50(f) | 51.56(f) | 56.83(f) | 62.02(f) | 67.02(f) | 71.81(f) | 76.82(f)
| 181 | VNM | 582 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Vietnam Percent of GDP | 2001-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 34.42 | 33.25 | 36.94 | 38.34 | 34.28 | 34.80 | 35.97 | 31.88 | 38.36 | 38.26 | 37.97 | 37.32(f) | 36.47(f) | 35.65(f) | 34.44(f) | 33.40(f) | 32.32(f)
| 182 | YEM | 474 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Republic of Yemen Percent of GDP | 1999-2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 96.53 | 61.22 | 60.68 | 57.83 | 56.82 | 52.07 | 43.80 | 40.84 | 40.41 | 36.42 | 49.85 | 40.90(f) | 42.52(f) | 43.43(f) | 44.89(f) | 46.65(f) | 48.11(f) | 49.47(f) | 50.03(f)
| 183 | ZMB | 754 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Zambia Percent of GDP | 2001-2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 235.60 | 203.68 | 180.03 | 148.59 | 87.90 | 29.80 | 26.71 | 23.48 | 26.89 | 25.76 | 26.07 | 26.63(f) | 24.84(f) | 22.99(f) | 21.24(f) | 19.55(f) | 17.94(f)
| 184 | ZWE | 698 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Zimbabwe Percent of GDP | 2005-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 51.34 | 58.23 | 64.85 | 91.46 | 95.04 | 56.49 | 70.33(f) | 68.84(f) | 67.27(f) | 65.68(f) | 63.19(f) | 54.61(f) | 53.53(f)
| 186 | Adva110 | 110 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Advanced economies Percent of GDP | 1991-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 60.14 | 63.53 | 68.15 | 70.20 | 72.79 | 74.01 | 73.04 | 73.26 | 74.10 | 72.47 | 72.39 | 73.47 | 75.55 | 79.67 | 79.32 | 76.66 | 74.04 | 81.02 | 94.66 | 100.71 | 104.79(f) | 107.85(f) | 109.53(f) | 110.20(f) | 110.09(f) | 109.58(f) | 108.70(f)
| 187 | Euro163 | 163 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Euro area Percent of GDP | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 33.11 | 54.15 | 55.95 | 61.55 | 64.29 | 72.19 | 73.67 | 73.07 | 72.85 | 71.79 | 69.27 | 68.21 | 68.02 | 69.20 | 69.58 | 70.23 | 68.56 | 66.40 | 70.18 | 79.87 | 85.66 | 88.10(f) | 89.96(f) | 90.99(f) | 90.77(f) | 89.91(f) | 88.55(f) | 86.89(f)
| 188 | Majo119 | 119 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Major advanced economi Percent of GDP | 1991-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 62.22 | 65.48 | 69.91 | 72.30 | 75.64 | 77.54 | 77.39 | 77.15 | 78.69 | 77.25 | 77.51 | 79.25 | 82.32 | 87.90 | 88.15 | 85.53 | 83.49 | 91.79 | 107.11 | 114.78 | 120.12(f) | 123.58(f) | 125.80(f) | 126.94(f) | 127.26(f) | 127.08(f) | 126.48(f)
| 189 | Newl203 | 203 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Newly industrialized A Percent of GDP | 2001-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 29.40 | 29.18 | 31.66 | 34.10 | 36.28 | 37.03 | 36.95 | 38.41 | 43.01 | 43.07 | 43.99(f) | 43.30(f) | 41.33(f) | 39.31(f) | 37.14(f) | 35.07(f) | 33.21(f)
| 190 | Othe123 | 123 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Other advanced economi Percent of GDP | 1998-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 40.21 | 37.67 | 37.64 | 38.00 | 38.46 | 39.48 | 39.91 | 39.05 | 38.25 | 35.60 | 36.74 | 39.78 | 39.72 | 40.44(f) | 40.40(f) | 39.25(f) | 37.72(f) | 35.84(f) | 33.93(f) | 32.04(f)
| 191 | Euro998 | 998 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
European Union Percent of GDP | 1995-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 67.80 | 69.65 | 68.79 | 67.07 | 65.77 | 62.32 | 60.98 | 60.78 | 62.20 | 62.46 | 62.92 | 61.45 | 59.49 | 64.02 | 74.40 | 79.58 | 82.38(f) | 84.51(f) | 85.55(f) | 85.33(f) | 84.30(f) | 82.68(f) | 80.61(f)
| 192 | Emer200 | 200 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Emerging and developin Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 48.53 | 48.99 | 51.78 | 49.65 | 45.25 | 41.25 | 36.53 | 34.68 | 32.62 | 35.56 | 39.42 | 36.04(f) | 33.64(f) | 32.01(f) | 30.95(f) | 29.76(f) | 28.61(f) | 27.29(f)
| 193 | Cent904 | 904 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Central and eastern Eu Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 48.30 | 54.91 | 54.25 | 53.48 | 49.55 | 46.40 | 42.73 | 38.54 | 39.49 | 45.46 | 46.66 | 45.97(f) | 44.87(f) | 43.90(f) | 42.75(f) | 41.43(f) | 40.19(f) | 38.95(f)
| 194 | Comm901 | 901 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Commonwealth of Indepe Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 57.32 | 46.61 | 38.52 | 29.60 | 21.96 | 14.51 | 9.985 | 9.255 | 9.571 | 13.89 | 14.87 | 12.98(f) | 11.68(f) | 10.83(f) | 11.40(f) | 11.71(f) | 12.64(f) | 12.19(f)
| 195 | Deve505 | 505 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Developing Asia Percent of GDP | 1970-2010 | 2.093 | 1.999 | 2.529 | 2.833 | 3.468 | 4.141 | 4.640 | 5.623 | 6.733 | 8.084 | 10.04 | 12.79 | 15.47 | 18.64 | 22.75 | 27.33 | 29.24 | 27.92 | 25.95 | 25.01 | 23.87 | 23.78 | 22.75 | 22.47 | 24.32 | 29.41 | 32.54 | 35.12 | 37.31 | 38.49 | 41.49 | 41.20 | 41.42 | 41.62 | 40.20 | 37.88 | 34.56 | 34.92 | 31.56 | 31.52 | 40.79 | 34.50(f) | 31.73(f) | 29.65(f) | 27.87(f) | 26.08(f) | 24.32(f) | 22.46(f)
| 196 | ASEA511 | 511 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
ASEAN-5 Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 66.76 | 60.63 | 57.26 | 54.97 | 52.65 | 47.14 | 41.80 | 38.50 | 37.17 | 39.01 | 36.93 | 35.18(f) | 34.79(f) | 33.73(f) | 32.77(f) | 31.61(f) | 30.55(f) | 29.58(f)
| 197 | Lati205 | 205 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Latin America and the Percent of GDP | 2000-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 48.40 | 50.25 | 61.54 | 60.42 | 56.10 | 51.65 | 48.74 | 47.40 | 47.49 | 50.52 | 50.06 | 50.62(f) | 49.41(f) | 48.46(f) | 47.84(f) | 47.26(f) | 46.44(f) | 45.95(f)
| 198 | Midd406 | 406 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Middle East and North Percent of GDP | 2002-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 62.47 | 57.06 | 47.83 | 44.32 | 35.99 | 30.72 | 25.92 | 32.52 | 30.49 | 27.47(f) | 23.98(f) | 22.85(f) | 22.50(f) | 22.09(f) | 22.03(f) | 21.83(f)
| 199 | Sub-603 | 603 | GGXWDG_NGDP |
Sub-Saharan Africa Percent of GDP | 1970-2010 | 18.59 | 19.85 | 21.47 | 23.13 | 24.41 | 24.92 | 26.30 | 28.64 | 30.44 | 31.93 | 32.18 | 32.44 | 30.17 | 31.04 | 33.53 | 33.77 | 35.64 | 37.34 | 38.62 | 40.78 | 42.23 | 42.48 | 46.39 | 49.83 | 52.17 | 54.20 | 54.69 | 57.75 | 62.60 | 68.48 | 70.01 | 73.07 | 66.60 | 60.42 | 53.91 | 45.08 | 34.24 | 29.73 | 28.69 | 31.96 | 32.09 | 32.81(f) | 32.14(f) | 32.03(f) | 32.13(f) | 31.43(f) | 30.29(f) | 29.15(f)
| 2 | Albania : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 3 | Algeria : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 4 | Angola : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 5 | Antigua and Barbuda : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 6 | Argentina : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 7 | Armenia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 8 | Australia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 9 | Austria : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 10 | Azerbaijan : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 11 | The Bahamas : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 12 | Bahrain : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 14 | Barbados : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 15 | Belarus : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 16 | Belgium : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 17 | Belize : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 18 | Benin : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 19 | Bhutan : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 20 | Bolivia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 21 | Bosnia and Herzegovina : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 22 | Botswana : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 23 | Brazil : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 25 | Bulgaria : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 26 | Burkina Faso : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 27 | Burundi : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 28 | Cambodia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 29 | Cameroon : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 30 | Canada : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 31 | Cape Verde : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 32 | Central African Republic : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 33 | Chad : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 34 | Chile : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 35 | China : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 36 | Colombia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 37 | Comoros : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 38 | Democratic Republic of Congo : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 39 | Republic of Congo : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 40 | Costa Rica : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 41 | Côte d'Ivoire : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 42 | Croatia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 43 | Cyprus : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 44 | Czech Republic : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 45 | Denmark : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 46 | Djibouti : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 47 | Dominica : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 48 | Dominican Republic : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 49 | Ecuador : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 50 | Egypt : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 51 | El Salvador : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 52 | Equatorial Guinea : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 53 | Eritrea : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 54 | Estonia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 55 | Ethiopia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 56 | Fiji : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 57 | Finland : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 58 | France : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 59 | Gabon : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 60 | The Gambia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 61 | Georgia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 62 | Germany : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 63 | Ghana : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 64 | Greece : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 65 | Grenada : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 66 | Guatemala : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 67 | Guinea : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 68 | Guinea-Bissau : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 69 | Guyana : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 70 | Haiti : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 71 | Honduras : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 72 | Hong Kong SAR : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 73 | Hungary : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 74 | Iceland : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 75 | India : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 76 | Indonesia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 77 | Islamic Republic of Iran : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 78 | Iraq : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 79 | Ireland : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 80 | Israel : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 81 | Italy : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 82 | Jamaica : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 83 | Japan : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 84 | Jordan : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 85 | Kazakhstan : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 86 | Kenya : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 88 | Korea : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 90 | Kuwait : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 91 | Kyrgyz Republic : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 92 | Lao People's Democratic Republic : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 93 | Latvia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 94 | Lebanon : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 95 | Lesotho : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 96 | Liberia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 97 | Libya : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 98 | Lithuania : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 99 | Luxembourg : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 100 | Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 101 | Madagascar : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 102 | Malawi : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 103 | Malaysia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 104 | Maldives : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 105 | Mali : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 106 | Malta : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 107 | Mauritania : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 108 | Mauritius : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 109 | Mexico : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 110 | Moldova : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 112 | Montenegro : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 113 | Morocco : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 114 | Mozambique : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 115 | Myanmar : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 116 | Namibia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 117 | Nepal : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 118 | Netherlands : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 119 | New Zealand : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 120 | Nicaragua : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 121 | Niger : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 122 | Nigeria : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 123 | Norway : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 124 | Oman : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 125 | Pakistan : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 126 | Panama : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 128 | Paraguay : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 129 | Peru : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 130 | Philippines : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 131 | Poland : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 132 | Portugal : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 133 | Qatar : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 134 | Romania : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 135 | Russia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 136 | Rwanda : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 138 | São Tomé and Príncipe : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 139 | Saudi Arabia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 140 | Senegal : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 141 | Serbia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 142 | Seychelles : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 143 | Sierra Leone : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 144 | Singapore : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 145 | Slovak Republic : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 146 | Slovenia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 147 | Solomon Islands : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 148 | South Africa : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 149 | Spain : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 151 | St. Kitts and Nevis : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 152 | St. Lucia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 153 | St. Vincent and the Grenadines : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 154 | Sudan : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 155 | Suriname : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 156 | Swaziland : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 157 | Sweden : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 158 | Switzerland : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 159 | Syrian Arab Republic : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 160 | Taiwan Province of China : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 161 | Tajikistan : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 162 | Tanzania : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 163 | Thailand : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 165 | Togo : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 167 | Trinidad and Tobago : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 168 | Tunisia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 169 | Turkey : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 170 | Turkmenistan : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 172 | Uganda : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 173 | Ukraine : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 174 | United Arab Emirates : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 175 | United Kingdom : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 176 | United States : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 177 | Uruguay : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 178 | Uzbekistan : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 180 | Venezuela : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 181 | Vietnam : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 182 | Republic of Yemen : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 183 | Zambia : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).
| | 184 | Zimbabwe : | Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). See notes for: General government gross debt (National currency).